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Premium Subscription

from €570 per Month

1. Online Readiness Review A review of the target customer segment online activities and associated keyword competition includes an online 1-hour workshop review for up to 2x products or services, across a single territory targeting 2x target customer market segments*.  

2. Go-To-Market Research Online research is completed per seed keyword phrase this research is renewed annually. Research data is delivered with traffic volumes from 1500+ relevant keywords, includes Online Visitor Estimates, Online Competition Levels, and estimated keyword Sales Funnel Positions.

3. Marketing Campaigns Campaign set up with Google Ads and one Social Media Channel (e.g. Facebook). Campaigns are monitored, adjusted & expanded according to performance results. Includes up to 6 promotions launched over 12 months including up to 3x Google Ads Search, 3x Google Ads Display or 3x Facebook/Instagram Ads, 1x Google My Business, and 3x YouTube Ad campaigns. Monthly reports on Google Maps, CTR & Visitor statistics

4. Lead Management Review of 2x Landing Pages and Call To Action (CTA) effectiveness. Implementation of split A/B Landing Page testing with Conversion Tracking. Up to 2x Landing Pages & 2x CTA effectiveness reviews. Includes a Contact Form, ChatBot, or Hotline management. Monthly reports provided on Conversion Rate performance.

* Monthly rate is based upon quarterly in advance payments

** Additional products/services, territories or market segments can be added at a monthly increase of €180 per product/service, territory or market segment. Minimum three-month agreement required.

*** Note all subscriptions for Marketing Campaigns and Lead Management services are highly dependent on effective Content Marketing. Where needed, monthly subscription fees may be used to contribute to improving landing page content.

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